How do you Spend Your Time?

How do you Spend Your Time?

Published Thursday 25th of April

How you spend your time is really important, and is something that we talk about at both our UKFT one day trials and our residential 5 day training camps. In addition it is a topic that will come up again and again if you are fortunate enough to go to a private football academy.  

The reason for this is simple. We all waste time. You, me, everybody does. Yet we all are very aware of the fact that time is very precious. So just think for a moment about how you spend your time, from the moment you wake up in the morning, till the moment you go to bed at night. 

Many of the players that we come into contact with at private academies, trials or camps tell us that their dream is to be scouted and to become a professional footballer, but they have no time to practice their drills, and they feel that lack of time is a definite limiting factor in their desire and ability to improve. Well, that is how they see their life. But they might be surprised if they heard the daily routines of some of the players that have been scouted from our trials and been successfully enrolled in a pro club academy which is the dream.. The hours in the day of these successful trialists are often incredibly disciplined and structured. Indeed, if you look at most successful people, they have a disciplined attitude towards time, so this blog is not just about football, it’s also about life. 

However old you are, right now is a good time to develop some good habits when it comes to the use of your time. We totally get that this is not easy. If it was, then everyone would have the time to do everything they wanted every day. But although it’s not easy, it is important, because if you REALLY want to be a professional footballer, then you have to be prepared to make sacrifices, and we will look at what these sacrifices consist of in our next post.