Tag: maximising football potential,football specialist universities,football universities uk,top football universities uk

Maximising Your Potential with Football Specialist Universities

Maximising Your Potential with Football Specialist Universities

Published Wednesday 14th of June 2023 10:05 AM
In this article we look at ways of maximising your potential football pathway within specialist football Universities.
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Changing academies and compensation payments

Changing academies and compensation payments

Published Monday 25th of March 2024 03:28 PM
Here at UK Football Academy Finder, we are asked occasionally what happens when a player wants to move to a different academy. So, in this blog we are going to look at what happens in a variety of different scenarios.
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Academy life and your use of Social Media

Academy life and your use of Social Media

Published Wednesday 10th of April 2024 10:08 AM
This is our warning to you about social media.
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How do you Spend Your Time?

How do you Spend Your Time?

Published Thursday 25th of April 2024 03:47 PM
In this blog post we are going to look at how you spend your time, and how that affects you as a person and as a footballer.
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Sacrifices in Football

Sacrifices in Football

Published Monday 29th of April 2024 02:37 PM
Here we take a look at a very interesting article written by ex-professional player Wayne Rooney. In the article Wayne talks about sacrifices in football which we look into here.
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Making extra time for your game

Making extra time for your game

Published Thursday 2nd of May 2024 01:51 PM
The other vitally important side to this story is that it is not just about finding more time for training, but how you train and what you work on that’s important.
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Feeling under pressure when playing football

Feeling under pressure when playing football

Published Wednesday 8th of May 2024 12:42 PM
You could describe pressure as a feeling of nerves concentrated into a particular moment in time. Let’s look at the classic example of pressure on a football pitch
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